Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions
In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and Royal Decree 1720/2007 (RDLOPD) of the LOPD Development Regulations, we inform you that the personal data provided through the forms, as well as their email address, have been included in a file owned by:
MARCA Y SERVICIOS DE COSMETICA,SA, [from now on BRUNO VASSARI], is the owner of the Web portal, which acts exclusively as operator, and manages the contents of the Web portals, domiciled in:
C/BALMES 89-91 4º 3ª- 08008 BARCELONA
NIF: A-08951030
Tel : 934537802
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume 5458, Foli 149, Sheet 73003, 1ªst Inscription, is in charge of the operation, management and operation of the aforementioned web portal.
If you want to contact us, you can do it by mail to the address mentioned in the previous paragraph, or through the email to:
It is reported that the data can be used to send commercial communications, by any means, relative to other services of our company that may be of interest. While you can at any time oppose this type of shipments, by sending an email to the address
Indicating in the subject “LOWER FROM THE CONTACT LIST”.
Likewise, you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and, if applicable, opposition (ARCO Rights), in the terms established by Organic Law 15/1999 (LOPD), submitting or sending a written request, addressed to
C/BALMES 89-91 4º 3ª- 08008 BARCELONA
NIF: A-08951030
Tel : 934537802
or through email to
and accompanied by a photocopy of your ID or equivalent supporting document and indicating in the subject “DATA PROTECTION”.
In accordance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on “Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI)”, we inform you of the following information:
MARCA Y SERVICIOS DE COSMETICA,SA, [from now on BRUNO VASSARI], is the owner of the Web portal, which acts exclusively as operator, and manages the contents of the Web portals, domiciled in:
C/BALMES 89-91 4º 3ª- 08008 BARCELONA
NIF: A-08951030
Tel : 934537802
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume 5458, Foli 149, Sheet 73003, 1ªst Inscription, is in charge of the operation, management and operation of the aforementioned web portal.
If you want to contact us, you can do it by mail to the address mentioned in the previous paragraph, or through the email to:
The use of the Web portal attributes the condition of User, and implies the total and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice, in the version published for BRUNO VASSARI at the same time as the User accesses the Website. Consequently, the User must carefully read this Legal Notice in each of the occasions in which he intends to use the Website, since it may be modified.
BRUNO VASSARI is not responsible for the webs that are not its own or those of third parties, which can be accessed through links or any content made available by third parties.
Any use of a link or access to a non-proprietary website is done at the sole risk of the user and BRUNO VASSARI does not recommend or guarantee any information obtained through a link outside the website of, nor is it responsible for no loss, claim or harm arising from the use or misuse of a link, or information obtained through it, including other links or websites, the interruption in service or access, or the use or misuse of a link, both when connecting to the web portal, and when accessing the information of other websites from the same web portal.
The information and services included or available through the Web pages may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Periodically changes are incorporated to the information contained. BRUNO VASSARI can introduce improvements and / or changes in the services or contents at any time.
It is also warned that the contents of this Web, have the informative purpose in terms of the offer of services and rates. As provided in this legal notice and the rest of the legal texts of this Web portal.
BRUNO VASSARIdeclines any responsibility in case of interruptions or a malfunction of the services or contents offered on the Internet, whatever their cause.
Likewise, BRUNO VASSARI is not responsible for falls of the network, business losses as a result of these falls, temporary suspensions of the electric power or any other type.
BRUNO VASSARI does not declare or guarantee that the services or contents are not interrupted or that they are free of errors, that the defects are corrected, or that the service or server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components, without prejudice to BRUNO VASSARI makes its best efforts to avoid this type of incident. In the event that the User makes certain decisions or takes actions based on the information included in any of the “websites”, it is recommended to check the information received with other sources.
The structure, design and presentation of the elements (graphics, images, files, logos, color combinations and any element susceptible to protection) are protected by intellectual property rights, owned by BRUNO VASSARI.
The reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public and, in general, any other form of exploitation, partial or total of the elements referred to in the previous section are prohibited. These acts of exploitation can only be carried out by virtue of the express authorization of BRUNO VASSARI and, in any case, they will have to make explicit reference to the ownership of the aforementioned intellectual property rights of BRUNO VASSARI.
It is only authorized for the private use of documentary material prepared for BRUNO VASSARI. Under no circumstances may you suppress, alter, evade or manipulate any protection device or security system that may be installed.
Except express authorization from BRUNO VASSARI, the link to “final pages”, the “frame” and any other similar manipulation is not allowed. The links must always be on the main page or “home page”
The distinctive signs (brands, trade names) of BRUNO VASSARI, are protected by industrial property rights, being prohibited the use or manipulation of any of these, except express authorization in writing from BRUNO VASSARI.
BRUNO VASSARI will never send you an email or call you to ask you to reveal or verify the password of your BRUNO VASSARIaccount or your bank account or credit card numbers, or any other personal information. In the event that someone contacts you or receives an unsolicited email requesting any of the above information, do not respond and immediately notify NAME COMPANY to proceed with the investigation of the incident.
IDENTIFY FALSE EMAILS (‘spoofing’ or ‘phishing’ attempts)
Ignore any email that you receive in which you request personal information or that redirects you to another web page that is not property of BRUNO VASSARI o of companies of your group, or in which you are asked to pay outside the means of payment of BRUNO VASSARI, since it could be an attempt to spoof the person (‘spoofing’ or ‘phishing’), and it must be considered fraudulent.
BRUNO VASSARI uses the domain “” for your emails If you receive an email with a different format, for example:, you can be sure that it is a fake email.
Some phishing emails contain links to websites that use the word “BRUNO VASSARI” in their URL.
If you still click on an email that practices phishing and is redirected to a page that resembles “Your Account” or to anyone who asks you to verify or modify your personal information, ignore it and consider it fraudulent.
Send an email to the address
And attach the email that you consider false. When you attach this fraudulent email, you are helping to locate its origin.
If you can not attach the false email, forward it to
And include as much information as possible about it.
Privacy Policy (LOPD)
BRUNO VASSARI is especially sensitive to the protection of user data, services that are accessed through the Web portal. By means of this Privacy Policy [from now on, the Policy] informs the Users of, of the treatment and uses to which the personal data collected on the Website are submitted, in order to that they decide, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide the requested information.
BRUNO VASSARIconsiders it essential to guarantee the protection of personal data, therefore, in order to protect the privacy and privacy of all the interested parties (holders of the data), we highlight this Privacy Policy, committing ourselves to guarantee the legal requirements stipulated in the legislation and regulations that are applicable in the matter of Protection of Personal Data.
Therefore, in compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, on the Protection of Personal Data, through this document, BRUNO VASSARI
Ownership of the Files
BRUNO VASSARI with registered office in:
C/BALMES 89-91 4º 3ª- 08008 BARCELONA
NIF: A-08951030
Tel : 934537802
is the owner of different files that have registered in the General Data Protection Registry under the Spanish Agency for Data Protection and can be consulted on the Web
In particular, the data collected through this Web, are incorporated into the file [USERS WEB NEWSLETTER], to which this Privacy Policy will apply.
Collection and Treatment
The file [USERS WEB / NEWSLETTER], has as its main characteristic:
The purpose of the collection and incorporation of the data to the aforementioned files consist of:
For the File [USERS WEB / NEWSLETTER], offer the information requested by the interested parties in the form or questionnaire of the Web page
Solve the questions asked.
Send them information about our offers of products or services of the portal owned by BRUNO VASSARI.
Responsible for the Treatment
In the event that there are third parties that access this file and with which there is an obligation to subscribe to the contract that it prescribes (Article 12 of the LOPD). This contract will be signed on the terms set out in the aforementioned article, which will contractually regulate the use and confidentiality of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.
By completing the various forms contained on the aforementioned website, the interested party gives his consent for the personal data provided to be incorporated into the aforementioned file, being processed by it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Likewise, you consent to BRUNO VASSARI sending periodic information and informing about our offers and services.
While at any time you can oppose this type of shipment, by sending an email to the address
Indicating in the subject “LOWER FROM THE DISTRIBUTION LIST”.
Security measures BRUNO VASSARI, has adopted the security levels of protection of the personal data legally required, and has installed all the means and technical measures at its disposal to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the same.
Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition
Interested holders of the data contained in the file [USERS WEB / NEWSLETTER], as well as the holders of data contained in any of the files owned by BRUNO VASSARI, may contact the entity, as the person in charge of the files, in order to be able to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and if necessary opposition (ARCO Rights) regarding the data incorporated in the treatment. These rights have a “very personal” character, which is why they can only be exercised by the interested party, or his legal representative, after proof of his identity, or if appropriate, of the sufficiency of the representation.
The right of access, to exercise annually, except legitimate interest credited. When exercising the right of access, the interested party may opt for the following systems for consulting the file:
– Send an email to:
– Written communication addressed to:
C/BALMES 89-91 4º 3ª- 08008 BARCELONA
BRUNO VASSARI, will proceed to notify its decision within a month. If it is in the affirmative sense, the interested party may access said information within 10 days of its notification.
The right of rectification and cancellation may be exercised, in accordance with the following provisions, provided that the interested party considers that the data collected in our files are inaccurate, incomplete, inadequate or excessive. In this case, you can exercise them through any of the means previously provided.
BRUNO VASSARI, will proceed to rectification or cancellation within of the 10 days following the receipt of the request.
Change of Regulations
BRUNO VASSARI, reserves the right to modify the present policy in order to adapt it to the legislative or jurisprudential novelties, as well as those that could derive from “standard codes” existing in the matter. Such changes will be communicated as early as necessary on our website, without prejudice to claim the necessary consent of those affected when it is not considered granted in accordance with the terms of this policy.
Any questions, questions or comments you may have with reference to this regulation, do not hesitate to consult them directing your communication on this subject in:
Cookies policy
A Cookie “is a small file that is stored on the user’s computer and allows us to recognize it.The set of” cookies “helps us improve the quality of our website, allowing us to control which pages our users find useful and which do not.
Cookies are essential for the functioning of the internet, providing innumerable advantages in the provision of interactive services, facilitating navigation and usability of our website. Keep in mind that cookies can not damage your computer and that, on the other hand, that they are activated helps us identify and resolve errors.
The information that we provide below, will help you understand the different types of cookies:
Session Cookies: these are temporary cookies that remain in your browser’s cookie file until you leave the web page, so that none is recorded on the user’s disk. The information obtained through these cookies are used to analyze traffic patterns on the web. In the long run, this allows us to provide a better experience to improve the content and facilitate its use.
Permanent cookies: they are stored on the hard disk and our website reads them every time you make a new visit. A permanent cookie has a certain expiration date. The cookie will stop working after this date. We use them generally, to facilitate the purchase and registration services.
Multipurpose Cookies: A cookie can be used for various purposes, so it can only be exempted from the requirement of consent if each and every one of the purposes for which it is used are individually exempt from the requirement of consent.
The user has the option to prevent the generation of “cookies”, by selecting the corresponding option to his “browser” software. However, BRUNO VASSARI, is not responsible for the deactivation of the same prevent the proper functioning of the website.
Examples of configuration of cookies in different browsers:
Once read all the information provided, we warn the user that, if you continue browsing our website, without taking the appropriate measures of personalization of your browsers, to prevent the installation of the cookies used by it, in the terms included in article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, according to the wording of the same given by RD 13/2012 of March 30, by which directives on internal markets are transposed from electricity and gas and in terms of electronic communications will be giving their consent for the use of the aforementioned mechanisms.